Sunday, October 19, 2008


I've created this blog as a space for musing about agnosticism, a philosophy which (for me) extends far beyond religion. Over many years of personal evolution, depression, apathy, and introspection, it has become my ideology.

For reasons I suspect are similar to Duane's, I don't expect to be particularly prolific in this blog. They are reasons similar to why you won't find many active "Apathetics Anonymous" groups. Similar, but not the same. I think agnosticism (as a philosophy) is related to apathy similarly to how it is related to atheism. I agree with Eve Ensler that uncertainty can be very hard to accept, but doing so can help you find peace like you wouldn't believe.

Should the day come that I find the inspiration to share my thoughts on this subject, this tiny corner of the web may serve as my soapbox, and hopefully, as a venue for discussion.

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